Section 100. Name. The municipal corporation now existing and known as the City of Oakland shall remain and continue a body politic and corporate in name and fact by the name of the City of Oakland, and by such name shall have perpetual succession.

Section 101. Boundaries. The boundaries of the City of Oakland, as they exist on the effective date of this Charter, shall continue until changed in the manner authorized by law.

Section 102. Rights in Succession. The City of Oakland, hereinafter termed the City, shall have, exercise, and enjoy all the rights, immunities, powers, benefits, privileges and franchises now possessed, enjoyed, owned or held by it.

Section 103. Continuance of Laws. All lawful ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations or portions thereof now in force and not in conflict or inconsistent herewith are continued in force until they have been duly repealed or amended.

Section 104. Continuance of Officers and Employees. All officers and employees of the City now serving shall continue in their offices or employments until removed or replaced in the manner prescribed by the authority of this Charter.

Section 105. Transfer of Records and Property. The transfer of any function from one department to another by this Charter or by any lawful ordinance or administrative authority also authorizes the corresponding transfer of all records, property, and equipment necessary to such function.

Section 106. General Powers. The City shall have the right and power to make and enforce all laws and regulations in respect to municipal affairs, subject only to the restrictions and limitations provided in this Charter; provided, that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent or restrict the City from exercising or consenting to, and the City is hereby authorized to exercise, any and all the rights, powers and privileges heretofore or hereafter granted or prescribed by the general laws of the State including those specifically applicable to general law cities; provided, also, that where the general laws of the State provide a procedure for the carrying out and the enforcement of any rights or powers belonging to the City, said procedure shall control and be followed unless a different procedure shall have been provided in the Charter or by ordinance.

It is the intention of the people in adopting this section to take advantage of the provisions of Section 6 of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California giving cities Home Rule as to municipal affairs.

Section 107. Form of Government. The government provided by this Charter shall be known as the Mayor-Council form of government.

(Amended by: Stats. November 2000.)