Section 1000. Franchises, Licenses, Permits. The Council shall have authority to grant or issue franchises, licenses and permits for the transaction of business or the providing of services, or for the use of public streets or other public places, and to provide by ordinance the procedure for the granting or issuing thereof, the taxes, charges, fees or other compensation to be paid therefor and the penalties for the violation thereof.

(Amended by: Stats. November 1988.)

Section 1001. Leases, Sales. The Council shall have authority to lease or sell real and personal property owned or controlled by the City in accordance with such uniform procedure as it shall adopt by ordinance, provided, however, that no lease of real property shall be for a term in excess of ninety-nine years.

(Amended by: Stats. November 1988 and November 2016.)

Section 1002. Right to Acquire. No franchise grant shall be construed to impair or affect the right of the City, acting pursuant to law, to acquire the property of the grantee either by purchase or through the exercise of the right of eminent domain.

(Amended by: Stats. November 1988.)