§ 10.16.140. Cruising.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Cruising Defined. "Cruising" means the driving of or being a passenger in a motor vehicle driven two times within a four-hour period past a traffic control point which has been posted as a no cruising zone.


    Cruising—Traffic Control Point. The ranking peace officer on duty within an area affected by traffic congestion may establish one or more traffic control points at or near the area of traffic congestion by the posting of signs.


    Cruising—Signs. Signs shall be placed at the beginning and end of the portion of any street subject to cruising controls. The signs shall state that the area is a no cruising zone pursuant to Oakland Traffic Code Section 10.16.140 and Vehicle Code Section 21100(k).


    Cruising—Written Notice. Any person who, as the operator of, or passenger in, a motor vehicle driven past a traffic control point established pursuant to subsection B of this section may be given written notice on that person's first time past a traffic control point that the person's second or any subsequent trips past the control point within a four-hour period will be a violation of Section 10.16.140.


    Cruising Prohibited. No person, having driven or having been a passenger in a motor vehicle who has received a written notice pursuant to subsection D of this section shall drive or be a passenger in a vehicle driven past a traffic control point within a four-hour time period. Each successive trip past the traffic control point shall constitute a separate violation of this section, and no additional written notice shall be required for such separate violation. Each successive violation shall be punishable by an increased fine as provided for by law.

(Ord. 11790 § 1, 1995: prior traffic code § 113.1)