§ 10.17.020. Regulations governing pocket bikes and motorized scooters.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In general, motorized scooters may only drive on city streets where the posted speed limit is twenty-five (25) MPH, in the Class II bike lane where one is provided, and only when the driver has a valid driver's license or instruction permit.


    Retail owner shall provide to each buyer upon sale of a motorized pocket bike or motorized scooter as defined in this chapter a copy of this chapter, along with a copy of the following sections of the California Vehicle Code:

    1. California Vehicle Code § 405 Motor-driven Cycle
    2. California Vehicle Code § 406 Motorized Bicycle or Moped
    3. California Vehicle Code § 407.5 Motorized Scooter
    4. California Vehicle Code § 4000(a) Unregistered Vehicle
    5. California Vehicle Code § 12500(a) Unlicensed Driver
    6. California Vehicle Code § 16028(a) No Proof of Insurance
    7. California Vehicle Code § 21209(a) Motor Vehicle in bike Lane
    8. California Vehicle Code § 21221 Applicability of Provisions
    9. California Vehicle Code § 21223 Visibility
    10. California Vehicle Code § 21228 Rules of the Road
    11. California Vehicle Code § 21229 Bicycle Lanes
    12. California Vehicle Code § 21230 Bicycle Paths, Trails, or Bikeways
    13. California Vehicle Code § 21235 Operation Restrictions
    14. California Vehicle Code § 21663 Driving on a Sidewalk
    15. California Vehicle Code § 24002 Vehicle Not Properly Equipped
    16. California Vehicle Code § 24400 Headlight Required
    17. California Vehicle Code § 24600(a) Tail Lamps — One Required
    18. California Vehicle Code § 24603(a) Stop Lamp Required
    19. California Vehicle Code § 27465(B) Bald Tires
    20. California Vehicle Code § 27803 DOT Approved Helmet Not Worn



    Retailers shall provide the above information printed in not less than 12-point Times Roman font that contains no other information other than the above enumerated sections and their text from the California Vehicle Code. Translated versions of the information shall also be made available in Spanish and Cantonese. All information shall be translated and printed at the retailer's expense.


    All information provided by the retail owner shall include a signed acknowledgement by the retail owner and the buyer that such information has been received. The retail owner must retain such acknowledgements for a period of thirty-six (36) months.


    The city of Oakland shall have a right to inspect, during normal business hours, copies of the acknowledgements required in subsection D of this section.

(Ord. 12697 § 1 (part), 2005)