§ 10.18.030. Dockless scooter program operator requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Communications to Customers/Users. All permitted operators shall include visible language within the operator's mobile and web application that notifies the customer that:


    Users or customers on E-scooters are required to wear helmets.


    Dockless scooter users must follow all state and local traffic laws, including but not limited to the California Vehicle Code and Oakland Municipal Code.


    Dockless scooter users are not allowed to ride on the sidewalk.


    Program Safety. Dockless scooter share operators are responsible for educating customers about safe use of scooters, including providing education about state and local laws applicable to riding, operating and depositing a dockless scooters in the public right-of-way.


    Federal, State and Local Law Compliance. Operators shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and shall be responsible for dockless scooter user compliance with all laws, rules and regulations governing the use of dockless scooters. Compliance with such laws shall include, without limitation, U.S.C, Title 15 Section 2052 (a) (1) and 2085, C.F.R. 1500.18(a)(12) and Part 1512 of Title 16, Code of Federal Regulations, and, and Article 5, Section 407.5 and Sections 21220—21235, of the California Vehicle Code, the California Penal Code and Oakland Municipal Code applicable to the use of E-scooters in the public right-of-way.


    Operator's vehicles shall not create excessive or annoying noises in violation of Section 8.18.010 of the Oakland Municipal Code, nor play threatening messages.

(Ord. No. 13502, § 1, 9-17-2018)