§ 10.32.010. Parking of vehicles in municipal parking lots controlled by coin-operated mechanical entrance and exit gates—Tampering with gates prohibited.
§ 10.32.020. Parking areas for official cars at City Hall.
§ 10.32.030. Parking area for official cars at Police Administration Building.
§ 10.32.040. Parking area for official cars at the Port of Oakland.
§ 10.32.050. Parking area for official cars at the City Hall Annex Building.
§ 10.32.060. Parking area for official cars at the Administrative Annex Building (659 - 14th Street).
§ 10.32.070. Parking area for official cars at the Oakland Detention Facility Building.
§ 10.32.080. Parking areas for official cars at the Alameda County Courthouse (1225 Fallon Street).
§ 10.32.090. Parking area for official cars at the Kaiser Center Building.
§ 10.32.100. Parking for official cars of Oakland Police Department and county of Alameda.
§ 10.32.110. Parking for official cars of the GSA Federal Protective Service.
§ 10.32.120. Parking area for police service vehicles of the Oakland Police Department and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District.
§ 10.32.130. Parking area for Oakland Fire Department vehicles.
§ 10.32.140. Parking area for county cars.
§ 10.32.150. Parking area for U.S. Mail vehicles.
§ 10.32.160. Parking for Consuls and Vice Consuls.
§ 10.32.170. Parking area for office of parks and recreation vehicles.
§ 10.32.180. Press parking privileges.
§ 10.32.190. Parking restrictions in Port of Oakland Outer Harbor Terminal Area.
§ 10.32.200. Citations and arrests.