§ 10.32.020. Parking areas for official cars at City Hall.  

Latest version.
  • The west side of Washington Street from 14th Street to eighty (80) feet northerly therefrom, the south side of 15th Street from Washington Street to a point seventy (70) feet westerly therefrom, and the north side of 14th Street from the west line of Washington Street to a point two hundred (200) feet westerly therefrom are set aside and reserved for parking official cars between the hours of eight a.m. and eight p.m. daily, holidays excepted; provided, that no parking shall be permitted on the westerly side of Washington Street immediately in front of the entrance of the City Hall at any time.

    For the purpose of this section only, official cars shall be:


    Vehicles belonging to the city or governmental agencies;


    Vehicles used by elected officials of the city while on official city business;


    Press vehicles owned or operated by public news media while actively engaged in their business at or in the adjacent public facility; provided that each such press vehicle has a facsimile of a press card authorized by Section 5.70.010 of this code displayed within it in such a manner as to be clearly visible and capable of being read from outside the vehicle.

    The maximum time for parking any vehicle described in subsection A of this section in any space described in this section shall be fifteen (15) minutes.

    The City Traffic Engineer shall by appropriate signs or markings indicate the reserved spaces as set forth above.

    It is unlawful for any person to park any vehicle, other than official cars for which reserved spaces are provided, in said reserved spaces during the periods above mentioned.

(Prior traffic code § 130)