§ 10.36.010. Parking meter defined.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this chapter, the term "parking meter" means any receptacle, instrument, device, indicator or machine which upon the deposit therein of coin of the United States or other form of payment as may be required by this title shows, indicates, registers, displays or permits legal parking in the parking meter zone wherein or adjacent to which such receptacle, instrument, device, indicator or machine is situated. A parking meter as defined herein may or may not be a self-contained timing device; it may be manually adjusted, automatically or manually controlled, or otherwise operated either externally or internally, so as to show, indicate, register, display or permit legal parking upon the deposit of coin of the United States or other form of payment as required by this title.

(Ord. 12813 § 1 (part), 2007: prior traffic code § 120(b))