§ 10.36.020. Parking meter installation—Painting of lines.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Parking meters, other than pay-and-display meters, shall be installed upon the street, parkway, curb, sidewalk or municipal parking lot area immediately adjacent to the individual parking spaces designated as herein prescribed.

    The Traffic Engineer shall cause to have lines or markings painted or otherwise designated as herein prescribed.

    The Traffic Engineer shall cause to have lines or markings painted or otherwise designated upon the parkway, curb, sidewalk, street or municipal parking lot area adjacent to each parking meter in such manner as to identify the parking space with each respective parking meter. It is unlawful to park or leave standing any vehicle across any such line or marking or in any position other than within the parking area so designated.


    Pay-and-display meters shall be installed upon the curb or sidewalk area within any designated meter zone.

(Ord. 12813 § 1 (part), 2007: prior traffic code § 121)