§ 10.36.030. Deposit of coins, credit card, debit card and acceptable card —Amount of time corresponds to value of coins, credit card, debit card and acceptable card.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    When any vehicle shall be parked in any parking space adjacent to which a coin operated parking meter is located in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the operator of said vehicle upon so parking shall, and it is unlawful to fail to, deposit immediately one or more coins of the United States in such parking meter and, when required by the directions on the parking meter, the operator of such vehicle, after deposit of the proper coin or coins of the United States, shall also set in operation the timing mechanism, if any, on such parking meter, and failure to deposit such proper coin or coins and to set the timing mechanism, if any, in operation when so required shall be unlawful. Any such operator who, upon so parking, deposits coins in such parking meter in an amount greater than is legally required does so at his or her own convenience, and the City shall not be liable for any refund therefor.


    Pay-and-display meters. When a vehicle shall be parked at a pay-and-display meter space, the operator of the vehicle shall, if required by the time and date restrictions for the space, locate the nearest pay-and-display meter on the block, and deposit immediately one or more coins of the United States, credit card, debit card or an acceptable card in such pay-and display meter and make selections in accordance with the instructions posted on the face of the pay-and-display meter. Upon obtaining the printed receipt from the pay-and display meter, the operator of the vehicle shall immediately place the valid printed receipt face up on the vehicle's dashboard where the expiration time and date are readily visible from the vehicle exterior.


    Parking meter fees shall be established annually in the City of Oakland Master Fee Schedule Ordinance.


    Within designated flexible parking zones (Section 10.36.142), fees may be established within a fee range to be established annually in the City Master Fee Schedule. Fees may be adjusted up or down within the designated fee range by the City Administrator to encourage maximum use and availability of parking with a goal of 85 percent parking occupancy during peak parking demand.

(Ord. No. 13198, § 1, 11-5-2013; Ord. 12813 § 1 (part), 2007: Ord. 12775 § 1, 2006: prior traffic code § 122)