§ 10.36.100. Parking meter zones in municipal parking lots.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    When any vehicle shall be parked in any parking space in a municipal parking lot adjacent to which a parking meter is located in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the operator of said vehicle upon so parking, shall, and it is unlawful to fail to deposit immediately one or more coins of the United States in such parking meter in accordance with directions appearing thereon.

    The City Council by resolution shall establish the charge to be made for parking in City-owned off-street parking lots and other conditions thereof.

    Parking meters in municipal parking lots when installed shall show and permit legal parking as provided by resolution for a definite period of time, the charge to be made therefor, and other conditions thereof, and appropriate signs shall be in place and visibly give notice thereof.


    It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle in any parking meter zone in any municipal parking lot at any time during which the parking meter shows, indicates, registers or displays that the parking space is illegally in use except during the time necessary to deposit United States coins in said parking meter so as to show, indicate, register, display or permit legal parking.

(Prior traffic code § 129(a), (b))