§ 10.45.010. Legislative purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The ordinance codified in this chapter is enacted in response to a severe, temporary problem within the Jack London District caused by the long term parking of motor vehicles on the streets of this District. Due to historic development patterns such as lot line to lot line warehouses and the designated historic importance of the district, many properties do not have off-street parking. As set forth in Section 10.44.020, such long term parking by people outside of the immediate area threatens the health, safety and welfare of the residents, employees and visitors to the Jack London District. This problem is exacerbated by the pending construction of a large parking structure on the land now occupied by the Amtrak surface parking lot, thereby further decreasing the overall amount of parking available to Amtrak users during the course of the construction. It is therefore temporarily necessary to manage the existing on-street parking supply more effectively through the establishment of two and four hour time restricted parking and at the same time establishing a mixed use permit parking system so that residents, employees and visitors to the District will be provided an opportunity to park near their residence, place of business or other commercial establishment. For the reasons set forth in this chapter, an interim system of mixed use permit parking shall not be applicable to any other area in the City until and unless another ordinance is enacted allowing such a system City-wide.

(Ord. 12847 § 1 (part), 2007)