§ 10.45.050. Jack London District designated mixed use permit parking area.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    This chapter hereby designates the Jack London District designated mixed use permit parking area, as referenced in Exhibit A, dated March 16, 2007, of Ordinance 12864, for a period not to exceed three years from the effective date of this chapter. The effective date of this chapter shall be defined as either the date of program implementation or not later than one hundred and twenty (120) days after adoption, whichever occurs first.


    Jack London Permit Parking Area Amended by Ordinance 12888. The Jack London Permit Parking Program Area boundaries established by Ordinance No. 12864, adopted March 4, 2008, are hereby amended to revise the program area boundaries as indicated in Exhibit B (revised map) attached hereto, as follows:


    Extend the southern boundary of the permit parking area south approximately two blocks from Embarcadero West, to the edge of the estuary, between Oak Street and Washington Street only, extending the eastern boundary in a straight line down Oak Street to the water; and


    Extend the northern boundary of the permit parking area north one block from Fourth Street, between Washington Street and Broadway only, to include the southern side of Fifth Street only.

    The streets or portions of streets where signs will be posted limiting parking to four hours from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with exemption to the four-hour limit given to vehicles displaying a Jack London District Mixed Used Parking Permit, are:

    Fourth Street Castro Street Martin Luther King Jr. Way Both sides of street
    Fourth Street Martin Luther King Jr. Way Jefferson Street North side of street
    Fourth Street Jefferson Street Clay Street Both sides of street
    Fourth Street Alice Street Jackson Street South side of street
    Fourth Street Jackson Street Oak Street Both sides of street
    Third Street Brush Street Martin Luther King Jr. Way South side of street
    Third Street Jefferson Street Clay Street South side of street
    Third Street Clay Street Washington Street Both sides of street
    Third Street Franklin Street Alice Street Both sides of street
    Third Street Alice Street Madison Street South side of street
    Third Street Madison Street Oak Street North side of street
    Second Street Brush Street Martin Luther King Jr. Way Both sides of street
    Second Street Martin Luther King Jr. Way Jefferson Street South side of street
    Second Street Clay Street Washington Street Both sides of street
    Second Street Franklin Street Harrison Street Both sides of street
    Second Street Harrison Street Alice Street North side of street
    Second Street Alice Street Oak Street Both sides of street
    Brush Street Third Street Embarcadero East side of street
    Castro Street Fifth Street Third Street East side of street
    Castro Street Third Street Second Street Both sides of street
    Martin Luther King Jr. Way Fifth Street Fourth Street Both sides of street
    Martin Luther King Jr. Way Fourth Street Second Street West side of street
    Martin Luther King Jr. Way Second Street Embarcadero Both sides of street
    Jefferson Street Fourth Street Third Street East side of street
    Jefferson Street Third Street Second Street West side of street
    Jefferson Street Second Street Embarcadero Both sides of street
    Clay Street Fourth Street Third Street West side of street
    Webster Street Fourth Street Third Street Both sides of street
    Harrison Street Fourth Street Second Street Both sides of street
    Alice Street Fourth Street Second Street Both sides of street
    Jackson Street Fourth Street Third Street West side of street
    Jackson Street Third Street Embarcadero Both sides of street
    Madison Street Fourth Street Third Street West side of street
    Madison Street Third Street Embarcadero Both sides of street
    Oak Street Fourth Street Third Street West side of street
    Oak Street Second Street Embarcadero West side of street


    The streets or portions of streets where signs will be posted limiting parking to four hours from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with NO exemption to the four-hour limit given to vehicles displaying a Jack London District Mixed Used Parking Permit, are:

    Fourth Street Webster Street Alice Street Both sides of street



(Ord. 12891 § 2 (Exhibit B), 2008; Ord. 12888 § 2 (Exhibit B), 2008; Ord. 12864 §§ 1, 2, 2008: Ord. 12847 § 1 (part), 2007)