§ 10.52.030. Heavy loads on streets in restricted districts.  

Latest version.
  • When the streets in question are appropriately signposted no vehicle of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than passenger buses and passenger stages referred to in Section 50-1/4 of the Public Utilities Act of the state of California) shall be operated or moved upon or over any of the streets hereinafter in Section 10.52.040 designated without a permit as provided in this section, when the total weight of vehicle and load exceeds four and one-half tons.

    This section shall not apply to, and shall not prohibit any commercial vehicle as defined by the California Vehicle Code having a loaded weight in excess of the limit herein prescribed, from using any of such streets by direct route from a street the use of which is not restricted as to such vehicles for the purpose of delivering or loading for transportation goods, wares or merchandise without such permit.

    The Superintendent of Streets may, by written permit, authorize the operation of a vehicle or vehicles upon any of the streets hereinafter in Section 10.52.040 set forth, when the total weight of such vehicle or vehicles exceeds the maximum weight prescribed in this section, if, in the judgement of the Superintendent of Streets, streets upon which such vehicle is to be operated can safely withstand the additional weight for a limited operation. Such permit shall be granted upon such conditions and upon depositing such bond as the Superintendent of Streets, may, in his or her discretion, require.

(Prior traffic code § 189)