§ 10.52.050. Vehicles exceeding four and one-half tons prohibited use of certain streets between eleven p.m. and six a.m.  

Latest version.
  • When such streets are appropriately signposted, the use of the hereinafter described portions of the hereinafter named streets or highways by any motor vehicle (other than passenger buses and passenger stages referred to in Section 50-1/4 of the Public Utilities Act of the state of California) when the total weight of the vehicle and load exceeds four and one-half tons, except for the purpose of loading and unloading thereon, is prohibited, between the hours of eleven p.m. and six a.m.

    The streets and portions thereof referred to in the preceding paragraph are: 14th Street from 12th Street to Webster Street, and 13th Street from 14th Street to Webster Street.

(Prior traffic code § 191)