§ 10.52.065. Vehicles exceeding twenty-two feet long prohibited on certain streets.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    When such streets are appropriately signposted, the use of the described portion of the streets named in subsection B of this section by any motor vehicle (other than passenger buses and passenger stages referred to in Section 50-1/4 of the Public Utilities Act of the State of California), when the total length of the vehicle exceeds twenty-two (22) feet, except for the purpose of loading and unloading thereon, is prohibited.


    The streets or portions thereof referred in subsection A of this section are:

    Street From To
    Brookside Avenue Ocean View Drive Eustice Avenue
    Castle Drive Skyline Boulevard Mountaingate Way
    Mountaingate Way Ascot Drive Castle Drive


(Ord. 12765, 2006; Ord. 12109 § 2, 1999)