§ 10.53.030. Permits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Application for Permit(s). All persons, firms or agencies desiring to move any load across or upon streets and highways within the city, which load exceeds any of the imposed limitations shall apply to and first receive a special extralegal load permit from the individual(s) so designated in this chapter. The permit shall specify the streets upon which the move is authorized and the date and time of the move. The permit holder shall be knowledgeable and in compliance with all applicable California conditions, requirements, and laws for the use of the highway system and in particular movement of extralegal vehicles and/or loads.


    Possession of Permit. The extralegal load permit shall be carried in the vehicle to which it refers at all times while the vehicle is within the city limits.


    Void Permits. Extralegal load permits shall be declared null and void if:


    Any portion, part or section is illegible;


    Permit is used before or after the times and date(s) indicated;


    Any portion, part or section has been altered or if any attempt to alter is apparent;


    Permit is used to represent proper authority for carrying a load and/or moving a vehicle which is not specifically described on the face of the permit;


    Permit is used to represent proper authority for carrying a load and/or moving a vehicle by any person, firm, or agency not specifically named on the permit;


    Permit is presented without the attachments specifically named on the face of the permit firmly affixed;


    Permit holder fails to report an accident, damage to property, or the death and/or injury to persons incurred while carrying an extralegal load, as provided for in this chapter.

(Ord. 12373 (part), 2001)