§ 10.64.030. Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • This chapter shall not apply to:


    A vehicle or part thereof which is completely enclosed within a building in a lawful manner where it is not visible from the street or other public or private property;


    A vehicle, or part thereof, which is stored or parked in a lawful manner or private property in connection with the business of a licensed dismantler, licensed vehicle dealer, a junk dealer or when such storage or parking is necessary to the operation of a lawfully conducted business or commercial enterprise.

    Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall authorize the maintenance of a public or private nuisance as defined under the provisions of law other than Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 22650) of Division II of the Vehicle Code or this chapter;


    Vehicles of historic value as defined in the California Vehicle Code Section 5004 and parts cars as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 5051, provided that any such historic motor vehicle or parts car is maintained on private property, maintained in such a manner as not to constitute a health hazard, and is located away from public view, or by appropriate means is completely screened from ordinary public view.

(Prior traffic code § 303)