§ 10.68.010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter:

    "Average vehicle ridership (AVR)" means the number of employees reporting to a work site during the peak period divided by the number of vehicles those employees use to arrive at the work site.

    "Carpool" means a motor vehicle occupied by two to six employees of one or more employers traveling together between their residence and their work site for the majority of their commute trip.

    "Commute trip" means the trip made by an employee from home to the work site.

    "Employee" means any person who regularly works twenty (20) hours or more per week at a work site and normally travels during the peak period between six a.m. to ten a.m. or three p.m. to seven p.m. Monday through Friday and who normally works at least twenty-six (26) weeks per year. The term includes contract employees under the direction of the work site employer, including independent contractors. The term excludes field personnel, field construction workers, and volunteers.

    "Employer" means any public, private, or nonprofit employer, including the city of Oakland, which has a permanent work site in the city of Oakland. "Employer" shall not include contractors with no permanent place of business in the city of Oakland and other businesses with no permanent workplace location.

    "Field personnel" means an employee who spends twenty (20) percent or less of his or her work time at the work site and uses a personal or company-assigned vehicle to carry out their work tasks.

    "Peak period" means six a.m. to ten a.m. or three p.m. to seven p.m. Monday through Friday.

    "Transportation alternatives" means methods of travel by other than driving alone. Alternatives typically include carpools, vanpools, public transit, bicycles and walking.

    "Trip reduction plan" means a method or approach for providing, supporting, subsidizing, and/or encouraging the use of commute transportation alternatives, including but not limited to:


    Providing information about transit, ridesharing, and nonmotorized commuting;


    Matching and placement services for carpools and vanpools;


    Provision of carpool and vanpool vehicles;


    Carpool and vanpool operating subsidies;


    Carpool and vanpool preferential parking location and/or reduced parking fees;


    Charging fees for employee parking;


    Provision of and/or placement services for subscription buses;


    Provision of shuttle services;


    Transit fare subsidies;


    On-site waiting and loading facilities for transit;


    Travel allowances for bicyclists and pedestrians;


    On-site paths, parking, and showers and lockers for bicyclists/pedestrians;


    Guaranteed ride home and guaranteed transportation in emergencies for users of commute alternatives;


    On-site child care and other service/convenience facilities which lessen the need for a personal vehicle at the place of employment;


    Telecommuting and teleconferencing.

    "Vanpool" means a vehicle occupied by seven or more employees who commute together to work.

    "Work site" means any property, real or personal, which is being operated or maintained by an employer as part of an identifiable enterprise. Property on contiguous, adjacent, or proximate sites separated only by a private or public roadway or other private or public right-of-way, served by a common circulation or access system, and not separated by an impassable barrier to bicycle or pedestrian travel such as a freeway or flood control channel are included as part of the work site.

(Prior traffic code § 402)