§ 10.68.020. Responsibilities of employers.  

Latest version.
  • The requirements of this chapter apply to employers with one hundred (100) or more employees at a single work site. All employers shall do the following within the specified time periods following notification from the city that they are subject to the requirements of this chapter:


    Transportation Manager. Within thirty days following notice from the city Public Works Director or his or her designee as to employer requirements under this chapter, appoint a Transportation Manager. Notice shall be by U.S. Mail and shall be effective as of the date deposited in the mail. An employer having more than one work site within Oakland may appoint one manager for all work sites or individual managers for one or more of the work sites. The Transportation Manager shall be responsible for carrying out the employer requirements under this chapter. The Transportation Manager shall also have authority for the employer's trip reduction information program budget.


    Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC)/Commute Coordinator. Within thirty (30) days following notice from the city Public Works Director or his or her designee as to employer requirements under this chapter, appoint an Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC)—also known as a Commute Coordinator. Notice shall be by U.S. Mail and shall be effective as of the date deposited in the mail. The Coordinator shall bear the day-to-day responsibility for implementing this chapter's employer requirements. Within ninety (90) days following appointment, unless the Coordinator has had one year of experience as an ETC/Commute Coordinator, the Coordinator shall complete a training course approved by the city which meets the minimum standards established by the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency. A designated Transportation Manager may also function as a Coordinator, provided that the Manager meets the qualifications set forth in this section.


    Trip Reduction Plan. Within sixty (60) days of meeting the Coordinator's training requirements, and no less frequently than once per year thereafter, submit to the city Director of Public Works or his or her designee a plan for encouraging the employees to use transportation alternatives when commuting to Oakland. The employer must implement the plan within sixty (60) days of submittal.

    As a minimum, the plan must include an information program designed to encourage the use of transportation alternatives. The information program must include annual distribution to every employee of up-to-date marketing and information materials about commute alternatives and their impact on congestion and air pollution. Employers must distribute or post information provided by or through the city. All newly hired employees must receive information about transportation alternatives including carpools within two weeks of employment.


    Employee Survey. The employer shall periodically administer surveys as required by the city to ascertain and monitor employee commute patterns. The survey form will be provided by the city and will not be required more than once each year. The employee survey shall be used to identify current employee use of commute modes, calculate average vehicle ridership (AVR), and serve as a data base for the future design, implementation and monitoring of employer trip reduction programs.


    Proof of Implementation. One year following implementation of the plan, or at some other time required by the city, but not more often than once each year, provide a copy of all materials given to employees in the previous year and a description and schedule of contracts with employees. The employer shall also provide a brief written description of the following:


    The number of off-street parking spaces provided by the employer;


    The fees, if any, charged to employees for parking employee carpools, vanpools, and single-occupant vehicles.

(Prior traffic code § 403)