§ 10.68.040. Responsibilities of the city.  

Latest version.
  • The city shall provide the following technical guidance and support for employers undertaking this program:


    Provide or cause the provision of marketing materials and information about transportation alternatives and how these alternatives can mitigate traffic congestion and air pollution;


    Provide a list of approved training courses for Commute Coordinators;


    Analyze data or cause data to be analyzed from employer surveys. Prepare a report on the results of employer surveys. Transmit report to employers, Congestion Management Agency, local transit operators, and local and regional rideshare agencies;


    If deemed necessary, conduct periodic meetings, or cause meetings to be conducted for employer Transportation Managers and Coordinators;


    Coordinate with other jurisdictions and with the region in developing and implementing transportation management and trip reduction programs and disseminating information about these programs to employers in the city.

    The city's failure to take any or all of these actions shall not relieve an employer of its responsibility under this chapter or create any liability on the part of the city.

(Prior traffic code § 405)