§ 12.04.020. Notice to repair dangerous conditions.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever any portion of any street, lane, alley, court or place in the city, or any sidewalk constructed thereon, according to law, shall be out of repair and in condition to endanger persons or property passing thereon, or in condition to interfere with the public convenience in the use thereof, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works of said city to require, by notice in writing, to be delivered to them personally, or left on the premises, the owners or occupants of lots or portions of lots, fronting on said portions of said street, lane, alley, court or place, or of said portion of said walk, so out of repair as aforesaid, to repair forthwith said portion of said street, lane, alley, court or place to the center thereof, or said sidewalk in front of the property of which he or she is the owner or tenant or occupant, specifying in said notice what repairs are required to be made.

    It is unlawful for said owner or tenant or occupant of said lots, or portion of said lots, to neglect or refuse for the period of three days from the date of the service of the aforesaid notice, to make said repairs, and diligently and without interruption to prosecute the same to completion.

(Prior code § 6-1.071)