§ 12.04.030. Cost of voluntary requested repairs.  

Latest version.
  • In order to fulfill the responsibility outlined in Section 12.04.020, owners may elect to have the city repair the dangerous sidewalk conditions. The Director of Public Works is authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the city with such persons which would include the following conditions:


    Agreement to allow the city and/or its contractor to perform the necessary work;


    Agreement to pay the actual repair cost, plus an additional charge to cover the city's cost of contract administration, engineering and inspection, plus interest; the interest rate shall be in accordance with the master fee schedule; the Director of Public Works may establish a program and eligibility requirements for low income property owners who reside at the location where the repair work is performed; the interest rate for persons qualifying for said program shall be in accordance with the master fee schedule;


    Option to pay these costs in annual installments not to exceed five years with the ability to pay the balance at any time before the five-year period in completed;


    A prospective notice of lien may be filed by the Director of Public Works with the Alameda County Recorder against the property; such prospective notice of lien will take the form set forth in Section 12.04.040; and


    Upon completion of the repairs, a notice of lien will be filed by the Director of Public Works with the Alameda County Recorder against the property and will be released only when the charges have been paid in full.

(Prior code § 6-1.072)