§ 12.04.130. Private construction of sidewalks and driveways—Inspection—Fee—Payment in advance.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works to cause an inspection to be made of sidewalks or driveways constructed under private contract as referred to in Section 12.04.110, to ascertain whether such work is being done, or has been done, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the permit issued therefor.

    At the time of the issuance of a permit, as required in Section 12.04.110, the applicant shall pay the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works such fee or fees as shall be established by resolution of the Council of the city, and no permit, as required by said section, shall be issued until such payment shall have first been made.

(Prior code § 6-1.13)