§ 12.04.150. Sidewalk and driveway construction—Obstructions.  

Latest version.
  • The permit granted pursuant to Section 12.04.110 shall prescribe the date when work shall begin and (except "Limited Operations Areas" established by Resolution No. 31375 C.M.S., as now or hereafter amended, and other areas designated by the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works) may include the right to place, or cause to be placed, upon the street adjacent to the place where the construction, alteration or repair work is to be performed, such materials or appliances as may be necessary for use in performing such work, provided, however, that such materials and appliances shall not occupy more than one-third of the roadway in front of said construction work, and shall be placed thereon subject to the direction and approval of the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works. In no event shall said appliances or materials be placed within five feet of any railroad or street car track. All materials, debris and appliances shall be so placed as not to obstruct any gutterway, and shall be so cared for as to prevent them from being blown or otherwise carried into any gutterway, or any catch basin, or any portion of the street other than the portion lawfully occupied by such obstruction. Provided, however, that the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works may order such materials, appliances and debris, or any portion thereof, to be removed within three days after written notice, and in the event the same is not removed within the time prescribed by the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works, he or she may cause to be removed at the expense of the owner of the parcel of property fronting the sidewalk or driveway for which the permit was granted. The placing of materials, appliances and debris upon the street for the purpose of such construction work and the removal thereof shall be held to be a part of such construction work.

(Prior code § 6-1.17)