§ 12.04.260. Driveway openings—Widths—Locations—Requirements in certain zones.  

Latest version.
  • No permit shall be issued by the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works for the construction, relocation or widening of any driveway in any commercial, industrial or special zone, or in any residential zone combined with the S-12 residential parking combining zone, or in any residential zone not combined with the S-12 residential parking combining zone where the lot is developed or to be developed with five of more parking spaces, until each of the following shall have been complied with:


    The sketch or plot plan required by Section 12.04.190 shall have been approved in writing by the Traffic Engineer.


    Where a portion of the front yard area is used or is intended to be used for the purpose of vehicular movement, storage, or parking, a safety curb constructed of portland cement concrete shall be located along and inside the property line to the full extent, excepting the driveway openings, of said open area. All such safety curbs shall not be less than six inches wide, fourteen (14) inches deep, and with at least six inches extending above the surface of the ground. Provided, however, no such safety curb shall be required between driveways, as extended, serving a service station pump island parallel to such curb.


    Provision is made for sufficient space on the property to be served to provide egress therefrom without the backing of vehicles across the sidewalk area.


    Within the S-12 residential parking combining zone, the number of width of driveway opening shall conform to the provisions of Section 17.94.080 of the zoning regulations of the Oakland Planning Code, and the number of usable on-street parking spaces shall be maximized pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.94.100 of the zoning regulations of the Oakland Planning Code.

(Prior code § 6-1.242)