§ 12.08.010. Public telephones and bus shelters.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Director of Public Works is authorized to issue minor encroachment permits from time to time to the serving telephone company and the serving public transportation agency in compliance with the provisions of this Title. Such permits shall be required for the serving telephone company to install and maintain public telephones on the public sidewalks of the city and shall also be required for the serving public transportation agency to install and maintain public bus shelters on said public sidewalks. The number, location and design of public telephones or bus shelters allowed under each such permit shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works so as to best serve the public interest.


    Permits issued pursuant to subsection A of this section shall include the following provisions:


    The permittee shall maintain the public telephones (telephones and booths) or public bus shelters in good repair and safe and sightly condition at permittee's expense and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. All necessary electrical and telephone connections, cables, wires and associated appurtenances shall be installed underground in appropriate conduits and in accordance with applicable codes.


    The permittee shall save the city harmless from any and all losses, claims or judgements for damage to any person or property arising from the installation or maintenance of the public telephones or public bus shelters.


    The permit shall be revocable on thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the permittee from the Director of Public Works, in which event the permittee shall at his or her own expense remove the public telephone or telephones, bus shelter or bus shelters installed pursuant to the permit and shall restore the sidewalk as nearly as practicable to its condition prior to such installation.


    For permits granted to the serving telephone company for installation and maintenance of public telephones, the permit shall require that the city receive an amount equal to at least fifteen (15) percent of the receipts in lawful currency of the United States (exclusive of Federal Communications Excise Taxes) from the coin receptacles of the public telephone installed under authority of this title.

(Prior code §§ 6-1.51, 6-1.52)