§ 12.08.050. Permit requirements for minor encroachments.  

Latest version.
  • No minor encroachments shall be allowed in the dedicated public right-of-way except in compliance with the terms of a permit to be granted to the permittee by the Director of Planning and Building. The permittee shall be the property owner of abutting real property or his or her authorized agent, or an applicant that has submitted an appropriate performance bond in an amount determined by the Director of Planning and Building.

    In addition to the requirements contained in this title, a permit to install a minor encroachment shall contain requirements pertaining to the location and nature of the proposed minor encroachment if, in the judgement of the Director of Planning and Building, additional requirements are necessary for public health, safety or appearance.

    When the minor encroachment permit is not linked to abutting real property by county recordation, and if, as determined by the Director of Planning and Building, said encroachment or the removal of said encroachment may require the restoration of public improvements, the applicant shall submit a performance bond subject to the approval of and in an amount determined by the Director of Planning and Building. The performance bond shall remain in effect for the life of the encroachment and until all permit conditions have been performed to the full satisfaction of the city.

(Prior code § 6-1.56)