§ 12.12.010. Disturbance of streets—Permit.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person or permittee to make, or cause or permit to be made, any excavation in or under the surface of any public street, alley, sidewalk, or other public place for the installation, repair or removal of any pipe, conduit, duct or tunnel or for any other purpose, without first obtaining from Public Works the permit for work shown on the plans and filed by such person or permittee as required by the provisions of this chapter permitting to make such excavation. At a minimum, the following steps shall be followed:


    First: Application for the permit shall be made in writing to Public Works on forms furnished. The application shall contain such information as the Director of Public Works may require and be made in quadruplicate and filed with him or her for processing. Plans and profiles in quadruplicate showing work to be done, location, limits of work, location of pavement replacement types, together with such further information as the Director of Public Works may require, shall be furnished by the applicant when requested by the Director of Public Works. If an emergency street cut, opening, or excavation is made, application for a permit shall be made on the next working day. If the street cut, opening, or excavation is to be made in a State Highway, the permittee shall also comply with all lawful regulations of the Division of Highways, Director of Public Works, State of California, and procure from such Division all lawful permits required by the State of California.


    Second: That the applicant show legal authority to occupy and use, for the purpose mentioned in said application, the streets, alleys, sidewalks or other public places wherein the excavation is proposed to be made. The Department shall issue a permit to excavate only if the owner has the legal authority to occupy and use the public right-of-way for the purposes identified in the application for the permit and the owner and its agent, if any, are in compliance with this chapter. It is unlawful for any person to make, or to cause or permit to be made, an excavation, or to install or maintain, or to cause or permit to be installed or maintained, any tank, pipe, conduit, duct or tunnel in or under the surface of any public street, alley, sidewalk or other public place at any location other than that described in the application and shown on the plans filed by such person as required by the provisions of this title.


    Third: All permits granted under this chapter shall imply that all pipes, conduits, vaults, ducts, and other underground installations, shall be of the quality installed in the manner, and subject to the inspection prescribed elsewhere in the Oakland Municipal Code.


    Fourth: All facilities, pipes, conduits, vaults, ducts, and other underground installations within the public right-of-way granted under this chapter servicing the permittee or its customers shall belong to permittee and shall be protected and made safe by permittee.

    (Prior code § 6-2.01)

(Ord. No. 13300, § 1, 3-31-2015)