§ 12.12.100. Notice of commencement of work.  

Latest version.
  • Before the work is started, the permittee shall give written notice of the time of commencement of the work to the Director of Public Works as described in this article. Similar written notice shall be given to Police Department and/or Fire Department, if requested on permit or a proposed temporary street closure.

    Permittee shall provide written notices to each property owner or business affected by the permittee's work as follows:


    72-hour prior notice for work five days in duration or less in all districts except for business or commercial; or


    5-day prior notice for work five days or less in duration in business/commercial districts; or


    10-day prior notice for work six days or more in duration in all districts.

    In addition to the notifications stated above, permittee shall post and maintain proper work signage 72 hours prior to starting work and during work to indicate type of work, hours of work, dates of start and finish, contractor's name, contact information, and a 24/7 phone number.

    The signage shall be posted at least every 100 feet along any block or as directed.

    Permittee shall notify Public Works for inspection at least 48 hours in advance of the intended work. For utility company, this notification may be reduced to 24 hours.

    For emergency excavation, permittee or the applicant, if a permit has not been issued, shall post and maintain notice at the site of the excavation during the construction period. The notice shall include the name, telephone number, and address of the owner, permittee, applicant, and its agent, a description of the excavation to be performed, and the duration of the excavation. Utility company with marked-vehicle and a foreman present at the site are exempt from posting notifications during emergencies. The notice shall be posted at least every 100 feet, or as directed, along any block where the excavation is to take place.

    (Prior code § 6-2.07)

(Ord. No. 13300, § 1, 3-31-2015)