§ 12.12.110. General requirements in performance of work.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Public Works requires compliance with regulations for workmanship, location, size and depth of excavations as it may deem necessary for the public convenience and welfare.


    Any monument of granite, concrete, iron or other lasting material set for the purpose of locating or preserving the lines of any street or property subdivision or a precise survey reference point within the City shall not be removed or disturbed or caused to be removed or disturbed without first obtaining permission in writing from the Director of Public Works. To do so, said permission shall be at the expense of permittee and the monument so removed or disturbed shall be replaced properly and under the direction and approval of the City Surveyor.


    In the areas hereinafter designated as "limited operations area" the following requirements shall apply in addition to all others specified in this title:


    No work that will interfere with traffic shall be performed in any public street or roadway during the hours of seven a.m. to nine a.m. and four p.m. to six p.m. (except Sundays and holidays).


    No equipment, construction materials or excavated material that will interfere with traffic shall be stored on any public street or roadway during hours noted above.


    All trenches and excavations in any public street or roadway shall be backfilled and opened to traffic, or covered with suitable steel plates securely placed and opened to traffic at all times except during actual construction operations, or where otherwise permitted in writing by the Director of Public Works. The permittee and its agent shall protect and cover open excavations with steel plates ramped to the elevation of the contiguous street, pavement, or other public right-of-way, or otherwise protected.


    Each section of work shall be completed or temporarily paved and open to traffic in not more than five days after commencing work unless otherwise permitted in writing by the City Engineer.

    Nothing herein specified shall prohibit emergency work and/or repair necessary to insure public health and safety.


    The work shall be coordinated with other agencies or concerns working in the area to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.


    The permittee and its agent shall keep the area surrounding the excavation clean and free of loose dirt, dust, or other debris in a manner deemed satisfactory to the City. Excavation sites shall be cleaned at the completion of each work day. In addition, the permittee and its agent shall remove all excavated material from the site of the excavation no later than the end of each work day.


    Unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public works, all traffic lanes shall be made safe and open to traffic and pedestrians by the end of each day of work.


    Permittee shall maintain at all times a site and all equipment free of graffiti. Any and all graffiti markings at the sites, on equipment, barricades, and facilities shall be removed immediately by the permittee or its contractor.

(Ord. No. 13300, § 1, 3-31-2015)