§ 12.12.140. Storage of materials in public right-of-way.  

Latest version.
  • Unless approved in writing by the Director of Public Works, construction materials may not be stored in the public right-of-way for more than five days after unloading. Placement of construction materials stored in the public right-of-way is subject to review and approval of the Engineer. In no case shall such storage cause inconvenience to the public. Construction equipment shall not be stored in the public right-of-way prior to its actual use at the work site and not more than five days after its use is no longer required to perform the work. Unless otherwise approved, permittee shall be subject to street obstruction charges according to the master fee schedule. Street obstruction fees may be waived if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the permittee was delayed in removing his or her materials and equipment from the public right-of-way by unforeseen events beyond his or her control. Labor disputes, strikes, fires and adverse weather conditions may constitute such a delay.

    Failure of the permittee to remove his or her construction equipment and materials from the public right-of-way within 24 hours of due notice shall authorize the City to impound said materials and equipment. Costs incurred by the City in performing this work shall be charged to the permittee and are subject to collection.

    (Prior code § 6-2.093)

(Ord. No. 13300, § 1, 3-31-2015)