§ 12.16.010. Permit to circulate petition for improvement.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to circulate a petition requesting the Council to order the improvement of any street pursuant to the terms of ordinance or statute, or to solicit private contracts for the improvement of such street without first having obtained permission so to do from the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets.

    Any person desiring said permit shall first file with the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets a written statement showing location, type, character and description of said work in such detail as said Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets may require. Said Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets, if he or she is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require the doing of said work, that the proposed improvement is feasible and beneficial, and the cost is not prohibitive, may grant permission to circulate such petition or solicit such private contract for the doing of said work; provided, however, that the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets may rescind any permit granted under the provisions of this section.

    Such permission, together with a copy of said written statement, shall be attached to said petition or contract, and shall be exhibited to the signer before his or her signature is obtained.

    Each request for a signature to such petition or contract in violation hereof shall be considered a separate and distinct violation.

(Prior code § 6-2.19)