§ 12.16.030. Requirement.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    New Construction. No building or other structure shall be erected, no building addition or alteration improvements shall be constructed, no other property improvements shall be made where the cost of said improvements will be in excess of forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000.00), and no building or other permit shall be issued therefor by the city on any lot unless that portion of the abutting street lying between the centerline of said street and the lot line for the full width of all abutting street frontages has been fully improved in accordance with the improvement standards specified in Section 12.16.050, or unless said improvements have been assured to the satisfaction of the City Engineer as specified in Section 12.16.040.

    "Property improvements," as referred to herein, means all buildings, structures, fixtures, and fences, erected on or affixed to the land, excepting telephone and telegraph lines.


    Authorization to Revise Threshold Value. The value of private construction improvements that invoke the requirement for construction of abutting street improvements may be revised, from time to time, by the Director of Planning and Building as construction costs escalate or de-escalate as determined by the Building Cost Index for the San Francisco Bay Region, as reported in the Engineering News Record. Any revision made by the Director shall supersede the amount stated in subsection A of this section.


    Exception. The requirements stated in subsections A and B of this section shall not apply to property in zoning districts where residential development is restricted to single-family dwellings. The foregoing shall not restrict requirements for improvements required pursuant to any other law or regulation including, by way of example, but not as a limitation, any of the applicable real estate subdivision regulations.


    Requirements for Permit. For the purposes of this section, street improvements as required by subsections A and B of this section shall be considered as satisfactorily assured when the City Engineer: (1) accepts plans and specifications meeting his or her approval as required by Section 12.16.050; (2) enters into an agreement with the owner or applicant required to make said street improvements as provided in Section 12.16.040; and (3) accepts an improvement security as provided in Section 12.16.040. When all of the street improvements required by this section have been assured as provided by Section 12.16.040 or completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, he or she shall notify the Building Division or other permit issuing department, and a building permit or other permit may then be issued.

(Prior code § 6-2.192)