§ 12.20.030. Certificate of completion, and approval.  

Latest version.
  • When street work is done by private contract, upon completion of the work specified in the contract the contractor shall secure (A) from the Engineer for the work, the Engineer's Certificate, which shall state the work has been done to line and grade (if the engineering work has been done outside of the City Engineer's Office, a copy of the Engineer's Certificate shall be filed in said office, and in the office of the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works); (B) From the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets, his or her certificate, which shall state that the work has been done in conformity with the specifications and to the satisfaction and acceptance of the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets.

    The Director of Public Works/Street Superintendent shall have the same power to appoint a suitable person to superintend or inspect construction as is or may be vested in the Director of Public Works/ Superintendent of Streets by the general law of the State of California in the case of public contracts, and the compensation of such person shall be the same as for special superintendents or inspectors employed under public contracts.

(Prior code § 6-2.24)