§ 12.24.020. Mixing mortar on streets.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to place or cause to be placed anywhere upon the surface of the roadway of any public streets in the city or upon the surface of any improved sidewalk therein, mortar in a moist state for any purpose whatsoever, or to mix or prepare the same upon such roadway or sidewalk, unless such mortar be placed, mixed or prepared in a tight box or upon a close fitted platform or bed.

    No moist concrete shall be allowed to stand on the surface of any street or improved sidewalk for a longer period than one hour after mixing, and on completion of the job all surplus material shall be removed and the street or sidewalk surface washed, cleaned and left in the same condition as before mixing. No rock, sand, gravel, or cement shall be washed into and left in either gutters or catch basins or allowed to find its way into catch basins.

(Prior code § 6-2.55)