§ 12.28.030. Pavement by railroads to be same as rest of street.  

Latest version.
  • In all cases where a public street within the city is now, or shall be hereafter, paved with bithulithic, concrete, or oil-macadam, that portion of such street to be kept in order or repair by any street railroad having a track or tracks thereon, shall be paved with the same pavement as the other portion of the street.

    The laying of said pavement upon such portion of such street shall be commenced within ten days after the completion and acceptance by the Superintendent of Streets/Director of Public Works of the pavement upon the remainder in width of such street.

    The provisions of this section shall apply to all existing franchises and all franchises hereafter granted, but shall not apply to Broadway or Washington Streets, or to Fourteenth Street between Broadway and Washington Streets.

(Prior code § 6-2.29)