§ 12.28.050. Tracks—Maintenance of pavement between—Notice to repair.  

Latest version.
  • Any person owning or operating any car track or tracks in the city, shall be required to maintain and sprinkle said track or tracks and the pavement and roadway between and adjacent thereto and two feet each side thereof in a condition satisfactory to the City Manager and the Director of Public Works/ Superintendent of Streets of said city.

    Any owner, superintendent or other officer of any corporation or association, owning or operating any street railroad in the city, shall, upon notice from the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets of the city, make all repairs specified in said notice. Any car track which presents serious obstruction to travel in the crossing of vehicles will be subject to removal by the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets without notice to the owners or officers in charge of said track.

(Prior code § 6-2.31)