§ 12.28.070. Tracks—Type and laying.  

Latest version.
  • All tracks hereafter to be laid for any street railroad in any public street in the city shall be constructed of standard rails of the most approved pattern, and in a good and substantial manner, and so as to present the least possible obstruction to travel and the crossing of vehicles. All rails heretofore in use which do not conform to the foregoing provisions, when removed for any other purpose than for ordinary repair of the roadbed, stringers or ties, shall be replaced by rails conforming, and in a manner conforming to said foregoing provisions.

    All tracks for any street railroad now, or hereafter to be, constructed in any public street in the city shall be laid in such a manner that the top of the rail or rails shall be flush with the street between the rails and for two feet on either side of such rails and between the tracks, if there is more than one.

(Prior code § 6-2.33)