§ 12.28.100. Tracks where improved type of pavement is in use.  

Latest version.
  • In all cases where any public street in the city is paved with asphalt, bitumen, wooden blocks or other improved paving material, and when a portion of such street is to be kept in repair by any street railroad, such portion of said street shall not be macadamized or remacadamized nor shall any macadam be laid thereon, and such portion of said street which is to be kept in repair by any street railroad must be properly paved and such paving must be done to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets of the city.

    All work hereinbefore in this title required to be done by a street railroad company shall be done promptly, in a good, substantial manner and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets.

    No owner, or any superintendent, or other official of any firm, corporation or association, owning, operating or controlling any street railroad in the city, shall cause, or knowingly allow, any work to be done or fail to be done in violation of the provisions of this title.

(Prior code § 6-2.36)