§ 12.28.110. Spur tracks—Permit required—Application.  

Latest version.
  • No person, firm, or corporation shall lay down, or cause to be laid down on any public street, or portion thereof, in the city, a spur or side track, or to run or permit or cause to be run thereon, any cars without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Council of the city. Such tracks shall be used exclusively for the transportation of freight between the main line, or part thereof, of the railroad and warehouses, manufactories, or other business industries and enterprises, and shall not be used as the main line or any part thereof. Such tracks shall be laid level with the street and shall be operated in such manner as not to interfere with the use of the street by the public. The application shall contain such information, plans, profiles, and specifications as shall be requested by the Director of Public Works/Superintendent of Streets. All permits granted hereunder shall be by Council resolution setting forth such conditions and terms as the Council may prescribe. Said resolution shall be revocable by resolution adopted at the pleasure of the City Council.

(Prior code § 6-2.67)