§ 12.36.020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter, the meaning and construction of words and phrases hereinafter set forth shall apply:

    "Applicant" means either one of the following:


    The owner of the real property upon which the protected tree(s) involved in a tree removal permit and/or site inspection applications are located, also referred to herein as the tree owner;


    The agent of the property owner (tree owner), as established by legally binding written stipulations between the property owner and the agent for the property owner.

    "dbh (diameter at breast height)" means trunk diameter measured at four and one-half feet above the ground. For multistemmed trees, a permit is required if the diameter of all individual trunks when added together, equals or exceeds the minimum size stipulated for the species.

    For convenience in the field, circumferences are considered equivalent to diameter as follows:

    Diameter Circumference
    4″ 12″
    9″ 28″


    "Development related" means any activity regulated by the city of Oakland and which requires design review or a zoning, building, grading or demolition permit.

    "Nonnative" means any tree species which does not naturally occur within the Oakland city limits.

    "Protected perimeter" means an area of land located underneath any protected tree which extends either to the outer limits of the branches of such tree (the drip line) or such greater distance as may be established by the Office of Parks and Recreation in order to prevent damage to such tree.

    "Protected tree" means a protected tree for the purpose of this chapter is the following:


    On any property, Quercus agrifolia (California or Coast Live Oak) measuring four inches dbh or larger, and any other tree measuring nine inches dbh or larger except Eucalyptus and Pinus radiata (Monterey Pine);


    Pinus radiata (Monterey Pine) trees shall be protected only on city property and in development-related situations where more than five Monterey Pine trees per acre are proposed to be removed. Although Monterey Pine trees are not protected in non-development-related situations, nor in development-related situations involving five or fewer trees per acre, public posting of such trees and written notice of proposed tree removal to the Office of Parks and Recreation is required per Section 12.36.070A and Section 12.36.080A.


    Except as noted above, Eucalyptus and Monterey Pine trees are not protected by this chapter.

    "Topping" means elimination of the upper twenty-five percent or more of a tree's trunk(s) or main leader(s).

    "Tree" means a woody perennial, usually with one main trunk, attaining a height of at least eight feet at maturity.

    "Tree removal" means the destruction of any tree by cutting, regrading, girdling, interfering with the water supply, or applying chemicals, or distortion of the tree's visual proportions by topping.

    "Tree reviewer" means a city employee in the classification of Arboricultural Inspector, Tree Supervisor II or Tree Supervisor I assigned by the Director of Parks and Recreation to review, inspect and prepare findings for all tree removal permit applications and appeals of decisions related thereto.

    "Working day" means Monday through Friday, except officially designated city holidays.

(Prior code § 7-6.02)