§ 12.36.060. Conditions of approval.  

Latest version.
  • The following conditions of approval, depending upon the facts of each application, may be issued in conjunction with any tree removal permit:


    Adequate protection shall be provided during the construction period for any trees which are to remain standing. Measures deemed necessary by the Tree Reviewer in consideration of the size, species, condition and location of the trees to remain, may include any of the following:


    Before the start of any clearing, excavation, construction or other work on the site, every protected tree deemed to be potentially endangered by said site work shall be securely fenced off at a distance from the base of the tree to be determined by the Tree Reviewer. Such fences shall remain in place for duration of all such work. All trees to be removed shall be clearly marked. A scheme shall be established for the removal and disposal of logs, brush, earth and other debris which will avoid injury to any protected tree.


    Where proposed development or other site work is to encroach upon the protected perimeter of any protected tree, special measures shall be incorporated to allow the roots to breathe and obtain water and nutrients. Any excavation, cutting, filing, or compaction of the existing ground surface within the protected perimeter shall be minimized. No change in existing ground level shall occur within a distance to be determined by the Tree Reviewer from the base of any protected tree at any time. No burning or use of equipment with an open flame shall occur near or within the protected perimeter of any protected tree.


    No storage or dumping of oil, gas, chemicals, or other substances that may be harmful to trees shall occur within the distance to be determined by the Tree Reviewer from the base of any protected trees, or any other location on the site from which such substances might enter the protected perimeter. No heavy construction equipment or construction materials shall be operated or stored within a distance from the base of any protected trees to be determined by the tree reviewer. Wires, ropes, or other devices shall not be attached to any protected tree, except as needed for support of the tree. No sign, other than a tag showing the botanical classification, shall be attached to any protected tree.


    Periodically during construction, the leaves of protected trees shall be thoroughly sprayed with water to prevent buildup of dust and other pollution that would inhibit leaf transpiration.


    If any damage to a protected tree should occur during or as a result of work on the site, the applicant shall immediately notify the Office of Parks and Recreation of such damage. If, in the professional opinion of the Tree Reviewer, such tree cannot be preserved in a healthy state, the Tree Reviewer shall require replacement of any tree removed with another tree or trees on the same site deemed adequate by the Tree Reviewer to compensate for the loss of the tree that is removed.


    All debris created as a result of any tree removal work shall be removed by the applicant from the property within two weeks of debris creation, and such debris shall be properly disposed of by the applicant in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations.


    Replacement plantings shall be required in order to prevent excessive loss of shade, erosion control, groundwater replenishment, visual screening and wildlife habitat in accordance with the following criteria:


    No tree replacement shall be required for the removal of nonnative species, for the removal of trees which is required for the benefit of remaining trees, or where insufficient planting area exists for a mature tree of the species being considered.


    Replacement tree species shall consist of Sequoia sempervirens (Coast Redwood), Quercus agrifolia (Coast Live Oak), Ancutus merciesii (Madrone), Aesculus californica (California Buckeye) or Umbelluiana californica (California Bay Laurel).


    Replacement trees shall be of twenty-four (24) inch box size, except that three fifteen (15) gallon size trees may be substituted for each twenty-four (24) inch box size tree where appropriate.


    Minimum planting areas must be available on site as follows:


    For Sequoia sempervirens, three hundred fifteen square feet per tree;


    For all other species listed in subsection (B)(2) of this section, seven hundred (700) square feet per tree.


    In the event that replacement trees are required but cannot be planted due to site constraints, an in lieu fee as determined by the master fee schedule of the city may be substituted for required replacement plantings, with all such revenues applied toward tree planting in city parks, streets and medians.

    Plantings shall be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, subject to seasonal constraints, and shall be maintained by the applicant until established. The Tree Reviewer may require a landscape plan showing the replacement planting and the method of irrigation. Any replacement planting which fails to become established within one year of planting shall be replanted at the applicant's expense.


    Workers compensation, public liability, and property damage insurance shall be provided by any person(s) performing tree removal work authorized by a tree removal permit.


    The removal of extremely hazardous, diseased, and/or dead trees shall be required where such trees have been identified by the Tree Reviewer.


    Any other conditions that are reasonably necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter.

(Prior code § 7-6.06)