§ 12.36.090. Procedure—City-owned tree removals.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Tree Posting. Except as exempted in Section 12.36.140, all city-owned trees proposed for removal shall be posted by the Office of Parks and Recreation. A tree tag shall be affixed to each tree proposed for removal in plain view of the street. The tags shall not be removed until such time as tree removal is approved or denied by the city for the tree(s) in question.


    Public Notice and Input. The Office of Parks and Recreation shall, within ten working days of tree posting, notify property owners of all parcels located adjacent to the site of proposed tree removal(s) in writing of the fact that city-owned trees have been proposed to be removed, and the closing date for public input. The Office of Parks and Recreation shall accept public comment regarding the proposed removal of city-owned trees for a period of not less than twenty (20) working days following proper site posting.


    Tree Removal Determinations. The Tree Reviewer of the Office of Parks and Recreation shall review all proposed city-owned tree removals and shall be responsible for making all necessary findings for approval or denial of such removals, including attaching all necessary conditions of approval.

    Any telephone calls or written comments received regarding the public input period shall be considered in the preparation of findings, and written records of such calls and/or comments shall be entered into the permanent Tree Reviewer files.


    Tree Removal Approval and Denial. Based upon the determinations of the Tree Reviewer, and except as otherwise stated herein, the Office of Parks and Recreation shall approve or deny city-owned tree removals within twenty (20) working days of application. The Office of Parks & Recreation shall suspend all city-owned tree removals until the appeal deadline established in Section 12.36.120 has expired.

    If the proposed tree removal(s) are approved and not appealed, the city-owned tree(s) shall be removed in accordance with regular work schedules.

    If the proposed tree removal(s) are not approved, the city-owned tree(s) shall not be removed.

    Following approval of city-owned tree removal, the Office of Parks and Recreation shall post a public notice thereof in plain view on the site while tree removal work is underway.


    Appealed Permits. Once a decision has been made regarding an appeal of city-owned tree removal, such tree removal shall be processed as described in subsection D of this section.

(Prior code § 7-6.073)