§ 12.36.160. Investigation of violations.  

Latest version.
  • When, in the opinion of the Tree Reviewer, a violation of this chapter may have occurred, the Tree Reviewer shall investigate the alleged violation(s) and make written preliminary findings. If the preliminary findings suggest that a violation of this chapter has occurred, the Tree Reviewer shall notify the alleged violator and/or property owner, if different than the alleged violator, in writing. The notice shall include a description of each alleged violation, and shall provide the alleged violator and/or property owner ten working days in which to respond in writing, or to request a hearing before the City Council, or both. The notice shall also indicate that, if the alleged violator and/or property owner do not respond within the ten working day period, the preliminary findings of the Tree Reviewer shall become final, and the alleged violator and/or property owner shall become subject to the provisions of Sections 12.36.180 and 12.36.190.

(Prior code § 7-6.121)