§ 12.40.010. Intent and findings.  

Latest version.
  • The ordinance codified in this chapter is enacted in recognition of the following facts and for the following reasons:


    Among the features that contribute to the attractiveness and livability of the city are its trees, both native and introduced.


    Trees are subject to natural forces that can cause entire trees or individual limbs to fall. Factors contributing to the falling of trees or limbs include the weakened condition of overly mature or diseased trees, high winds, and heavy soil saturation during and after storms.


    It is recognized that falling/fallen trees and limbs can pose hazards to both human safety and the well-being of neighboring properties. Owners of neighboring properties may desire the removal or trimming of a tree or trees perceived to be a threat to human safety or the well-being of their property.


    It is also recognized that legal remedies alone do not adequately protect owners of neighboring properties. It is, therefore, in the interest of the public health, welfare, and safety to establish another method for the resolution of hazardous tree claims for the purpose of preventing personal injury or damage to neighboring properties.

(Prior code § 7-10.1)