§ 12.44.130. Grounds for denial of application for a parade permit.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Chief of Police shall approve an application for a parade permit unless he or she determines from a consideration of the application, or other pertinent information, that:


    Information contained in the application, or supplementary information requested from the applicant, is false in any material detail; or


    The applicant has failed to provide a complete application form after having been notified of the requirement of producing additional information or documents; or


    The sole purpose of the parade is for private profit and not for First Amendment expression, such as for the advertising of any product, good, ware, merchandise or event; or


    Another complete permit application has been previously filed for another parade at the same time and place requested by the applicant, or so close in time and place as to cause traffic congestion or a demand for police services which the Police Department is unable to meet; or


    The time, route, or size of the parade will substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic in the immediate vicinity of the parade site or route, or disrupt the use of a street at a time when it is usually subject to great traffic congestion; or


    The concentration of persons, animals and vehicles at the site of the parade, or at the assembly and disbanding areas will prevent proper police, fire, ambulance, or other essential public services to areas contiguous to the parade; or


    The size or duration of the parade will require diversion of so great an amount of city police services that providing for the minimum level of police services to other areas of the city is jeopardized; provided that:


    Nothing herein authorizes denial of a permit because of the need to protect participants from the conduct of others, if reasonable permit conditions can be imposed to allow for adequate protection of parade participants with the number of the police officers available to police the parade; or


    The parade will not move from its point of origin to its point of termination in three hours or less; or


    The parade will substantially interfere with any construction or maintenance work scheduled to take place upon or along the city streets, or a previously granted encroachment permit; or


    The parade will occur at a time and place where the noise created by the activities of the parade will substantially disturb or disrupt the activities of such institutions as schools and hospitals; or


    Sponsors have failed to indemnify the city for previous parade costs.


    When the grounds for denial of an application for a permit specified in subsections (A)(4) through (A)(10) of this section can be corrected by altering the time, place, and manner of the parade, as authorized by Section 12.44.140, the Chief of Police shall, instead of denying the application, conditionally approve the application provided that the applicant accepts such conditions for permit issuance. The conditions imposed shall provide for only such modification of the applicant's proposed parade as are necessary to achieve compliance with subsections (A)(4) through (A)(11) of this section.

(Prior code § 3-6.08 (§ 12))