§ 12.44.170. Indemnification agreement.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Prior to the issuance of a parade permit, the permit applicant and president or designee of the sponsoring organization(s) (if any), must sign an agreement to reimburse the city for any costs insofar as permitted by law, arising from the repair of damage to city property proximately caused at the parade by the actions of the permittee, sponsoring organization, its officers, employees, or agents, or any person who was under the permittee's or sponsoring organization's control.


    The agreement shall also provide that the permittee and/or sponsoring organization shall defend the city against, and indemnify and hold the city harmless from, any liability to any persons resulting from any damage or injury occurring in connection with the permitted parade proximately caused by the actions of the permittee and/or sponsoring organization, its officers, employees or agents, or any person who was under the permittee's and/or sponsoring organization's control.


    Persons who merely join in a parade are not considered by that reason alone to be "under the control" of the permittee or sponsoring organization.

(Prior code § 3-6.08 (§ 16))