§ 12.44.190. Cleanup deposits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The applicant/sponsor of a parade involving horses or other large animals, water aid stations, the sale of food or beverages, or erection of structures, shall be required to provide a cleanup deposit prior to the issuance of a parade permit. The cleanup deposit shall be in the amount established in a cleanup fee schedule adopted by City Council resolution.


    The cleanup deposit shall be returned after the parade if the area used for the parade has been cleaned and restored to the same condition as existed prior to the parade.


    If the property used for the parade has not been cleaned or restored, the permittee shall be billed for the actual cost by the city for cleanup and restoration, and the cleanup deposit or a portion thereof shall be applied toward payment of the bill.


    If the permittee disputes the bill, he or she may appeal to the Director of Public Works within five days after receipt of the bill. Should there be any unexpended balance on deposit after completion of the work, this balance shall be refunded to the permittee. Should the amount of the bill exceed the cleanup deposit, the difference shall become due and payable to the city upon the applicant's receipt of the bill.

(Prior code § 3-6.08 (§ 18))