§ 12.50.070. Newsrack permit application.  

Latest version.
  • The newsrack permit application shall state the names and addresses of those responsible for installation, use and maintenance of the newsrack or newsrack assembly subject to the permit, the name of the publication, interval of publication (i.e., weekly, daily, etc.), and shall describe with particularity the location proposed for installation. The application shall be approved and a nontransferable permit issued within ten days if the type of newsrack and the proposed location meets the standards set forth in this chapter and the guidelines promulgated pursuant to this chapter.

    The newsrack permit application shall be completed in accordance with city newsrack specifications. The application shall be completed by a duly authorized representative of both the publication and, if applicable, any independent distributor authorized to service that publication's newsrack. A nontransferable newsrack permit may be issued within ten working days if the type of newsrack and location(s) proposed meet the standards set forth in this section and the city's newsrack specifications.

    Prior to obtaining a newsrack permit, the applicant shall provide notice to property owners and businesses immediately adjacent to the requested location of his/her intent to place a newsrack. Any objections conveyed to the Chief of Building Services by a member of the public shall be considered prior to the approval of a newsrack permit.

    The applicant shall provide a nonrefundable encroachment permit application fee in an amount established by ordinance of the City Council. Such permits shall be valid for, and renewable every year and be listed in the city of Oakland Master Fee Schedule.

    For modular newsracks, a separate newsrack permit must be obtained for each newsrack within the assembly. A person securing a newsrack permit may install and maintain additional newsracks by obtaining an encroachment permit for each newsrack. The rules and procedures of this chapter shall apply to each location.

(Ord. 12821 § 3 (part), 2007: Ord. 12004 § 2(part), 1997)